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4 days conference in Bath, Winchester, Salisbury via Stonehenge

Accomodation in Bath: hotel Francis or similar for the budget business. For the premium 5 star incentive: Colerne. Both hotels provide conference facilities. The journey from the airport crosses the Salisbury Plain in the South West of England, Stonehenge appears suddenly, standing alone proud and gigantic in the middle of the Wiltshire countryside.

Nothing prepares you for the strong emotion caused by the realisation that being near this mysterious and prehistoric site with its intriguing and ancient history.

No sooner does one recover from the extraordinary visit to the megalithic temple, then the trip continues across the river Avon to Bath plunging you back into the 1st. Century.

The City of Bath is one of the most famous secrets of England. Still partly buried undiscovered underground, the Romans established a complicated system of baths and a Sacred Temple, over a natural hot spring, nearly 2000 years ago!

During the free time at your disposal, you can taste the Hot Spring waters and there is a chance of swimming in the Spa nearby. Each day, 1.5 million litres of Hot Water still pour out from underground from the natural spring.

The Spa was rediscovered in the 18th c. and the Palladian stile of architecture built. It can be seen at its best in its most famous squares called: “Circus” and “Crescent”. You can also admire Bath Abbey, Sully Lunn House and Pulteney Bridge.

Book this Conference »Price: on application Reference: 0735E